Learning Support

We are an inclusive College, meaning all students, including those with Special Educational Needs and disabilities are fully supported.

Learning Mentors

We are an inclusive College, meaning students of all backgrounds, including those with Special Educational Needs and disabilities are fully supported by their teachers and mentors. All students will have access to a dedicated team of learning mentors who are based in the college’s Focus Centre.

Learning Mentors offer support with many areas including revision and exam preparation, time management and essay planning. Our Learning mentors also work closely with teachers to ensure that our students with SEND are fully supported in their learning, ensuring a graduated approach that ensures consistent assessment, planning and reviewing of the support we offer. The team can also help identify and support with access arrangements as well as health and well-being.


Counselling Service

Ö±²¥Ë«·É’s Sixth Form College offers a professional counselling service. The student may choose to self-refer via an internal post box, email the team directly or refer via their Progress Mentor. The college counselling team are fully qualified and members of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP), working in line with the BACP ethical framework.

The counselling team use a person-centred approach, which means they are there to listen to students, without judgement, taking the time and care to build trust, striving to provide a safe and supportive space to talk freely. As standard practice at the college, students will be offered up to six sessions, with each session lasting 50 minutes. If a student requires more than six sessions, the team will discuss what their next steps might be and support with any referrals.

Alongside the specific counselling support, our personal development program helps students to build resilience and teach coping strategies that support their mental well-being.